Friday, November 5, 2010


I love free stuff. I'm a sucker for free samples, rebates, mail-in offers. This morning I scored two great freebies.

1. Every Friday through November, you can go to Burger King up until 10:30am and get a free 12 oz Seattle's Best Coffee. I did this purchase necessary.

2. Today only, if you go to the Gap and "check in" on Facebook while you're in the store, you get a free pair of 1969 jeans! Apparently there is a limited number available at every store, and after they are gone you get a coupon for 40% off any regular priced iteam. I got there 15 minutes after they opened and I scored a pair of jeans! They were priced at $69.50. What a score!!

1 comment:


    These are my favorite sites for free/reduced price stuff. I have gotten a ton from Pocket Your Dollars - I signed up for the e-mails and like them on Facebook.
