Friday, January 21, 2011

It's Too Early To Think Of A Witty Title

Hi, remember me? I don't blame you if you don't. It turns out I'm the worst blogger in the world, which doesn't surprise me. I am notorious for starting projects and ditching them in the middle.

It's 6:15 in the morning and I've been up since 5. Usually my son is pretty good about sleeping until 6:30 and sometimes even 7:30, but today was one of those random mornings when he decided 5am would be a perfect time to greet the day. I gave him some milk and tried to get him back to sleep, but he screamed loudly. I'm pretty sure the scream meant "Oh no, you crazy lady, I've been in this cage since 8 last night and there are BALLS to play with and CARTOONS to watch and CHEERIOS to eat and I don't really give a shit WHAT you think, you're getting up, fool." So, we're watching Sesame Street and feasting on Cheerios, and I am counting down the minutes until 8 when he'll crash for the first nap of the day and my ass will go back to sleep.

Perhaps you're wondering what ever happened to the Ten Pound Challenge? Well, it remains a challenge because I lost 1.5 pounds in 4 weeks. Awesome. (and I say that sarcastically). I think I'm on my way now, though....first of all, the holidays are over. No more plates of appetizers and snacks everywhere I turn. Also, I re-joined Gold's gym and have been going regularly. (well, for 4 days.) So far all I have done there is my trusty elliptical, but I hope to try the Pilates class and the BodyStep class. I'm tempted to try the BodyJam class or the BodyCombat class, but I know better. There is no way more guaranteed to make me look like an asshole than a fitness class with choreographed moves that relate to either boxing or dancing. I know this from experience...I once took a class at the Y involving kickboxing, and the other members of the class actually slowed down to watch me flail uncontrollably about the gym. I've got no groove. I also took bellydancing once, and I had to quit 3 sessions in because watching myself in the long mirror was just torture. I did not look as I imagined a bellydancer to look. BodyStep is about the only thing I can handle, and even that gets complicated sometimes.

I also set up my Xbox Kinect. I got a fitness game for it..."Your Shape". It has workouts developed by the people behind Men's Health and Women's Health magazines. It scans your body and then tells you when your form isn't correct and shows you how to correct it. I've only done it twice so far, but both times the workouts kicked my ass. I think it's going to be super great for days when I am baby wrangling all day and can't get to the gym.

Well, Declan wants me to play catch with a balloon, so I'd better go. I will be back soon, though. I am preparing a post about books and also a post about my favorite deal websites.

1 comment:

  1. I love all those Les Mill aerobics classes. My favourite was BodyCombat, but you're right, it does take some coordination :)

    So glad to see you post again!
